Saturday, February 13, 2010

Re-Build and Re-Construct

So i've been reading some peoples blogs, and might i say its rather interesting to indulge in others thoughts and prosperity's. I've had a blog for a bit some time now and really never just went knee deep into the scence. Today i watched a show called Celebrity Bloggers, some of you might have seen it. For those who haven't, the concept of the show is about people who've started blogs/video blogs and by doing so touched main stream connecting book deals, advertising contracts, and fame.

Just as you, i feel i have a great deal of insight and indifference that most people wouldn't expect out of a person of my stature. I'm hip but i still keep a 6pack of geeky-ness. I'm kool but i'm well grounded. I'm deeply rooted in my culture but i attract international friendships. I move fast but prefer to move slow. If this makes any sense lol.

So all in all tonight was really about thinking how i want to really lay this blog out so i can make it as most interesting, gravitating, and authentic as possible. Those readers I lef comments apon, i hope this reaches you and i thank you for your inspiring blogs. Give me a couple of days and this blog will be turned upside down! My wheels are turning so i'll sleep on it while my conscious drive is completely passive to fresh ideas. Goodnight to some and Goodmorning to those.

-Jovan King