Sunday, February 14, 2010

SuperBowl Weekend Kick Off.

So i'm a bit behind on the updates of my super bowl weekend, but i do want to frank, it was a complete ZOO the entire weekend. When i say weekend i mean starting thursday to sunday. I've only experienced a super bowl in one other city which was Houston,Tx and let me say no body does it better than Miami. Can you imagine the most beautiful city surrounded with the most beautiful people with the best weather? Exactly what you thinking is exactly what i was feeling, "Unbelievable."

I'm gona break it up into days of the week and i'll start with thursday's party at the Budlight Hotel sponsered by GQ magazine and Patron! It started @ 3pm and ended round 7. From there we left and went to the Fan Jam Concert which i'm sure you all seen on T.v. That turned out to be filled with to many kids trampling to get to the stage to see Justing Bebbier. So after he performed we caught ghost! So back to the Budlight Hotel it was being the night party started @ 9pm. Mind you, there was free patron and liquor all day and nite so lets be completly honest i was totally waisted!

I'll even fill you in on just how waisted i was. I wound up jumping in the pool around midnight me and a fellow from Russia i had just met earlier that day. I Left the party wet and wild lol. Here is a few pics from the party. That was Thursday. I'll get to friday later.


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